Time Locked Access

Schedule Device Locking for Enhanced Security and Control

Time-Locked Access allows administrators to schedule specific timeframes during which devices are locked and unlocked, bolstering security and control over device usage.

Setting Up Time-Locked Access

Follow these steps to set up Time-Locked Access:

1. Access Security Policy Automations

  • On the Senturo dashboard, select the "Security Policy Automation" option.
  • Click the "Add Automation" button.

2. Choose the Time-Locked Access Rule

  • Choose an existing policy or create a new one.

3. Create a New Policy

  • If creating a new policy, name it and schedule the access times.
  • Select the days of the week (Monday through Sunday) and specify the desired timeframes.
  • Save your policy before moving on to the next step.

Actions for Time-Locked Access

After defining your Time-Locked Access policy, you can go to the actions page to specify actions to be taken during scheduled lock times. You can select multiple actions for comprehensive control.

Available Actions

  • Senturo Lock:
    • Sets a custom password and lock screen message for devices during lock periods.
    • Includes contact information and personalizes the lock screen with images and messages.
  • Broadcast to Device:
    • Send broadcasts or choose from predefined templates to communicate important messages to users during lock periods.
  • Send Custom Email:
    • Notify assigned administrators via email during lock periods.
    • Customize email subjects and content, and save templates for future use.
  • Set Missing Mode:
    • Initiate comprehensive tracking by switching devices to missing mode during lock periods, ensuring real-time tracking.


Time-locked access in Senturo allows administrators to enhance device security and control by scheduling specific lock and unlock times. 


Q: Can I customize the lock screen message for different devices? A: You cannot set different lock screens for devices within an automations, but you can create unlimited automations, so if devices have different requirements, please create another automation.

Q: How can I ensure that administrators are notified during lock periods? A: Use the Send Custom Email action to notify assigned administrators.

Q: Is it possible to apply different Time-Locked Access policies to different groups of devices? A: Yes, you can create and apply different policies and automations for various groups of devices based on your organizational needs.