How to Enroll iOS Fleets

Enroll Multiple iOS Devices Using Senturo and Your MDM Solution

Follow these steps to enroll multiple iOS devices in Senturo using the Multi-Device enrollment mode.

1. Log in to Senturo

2. Navigate to Device Enrollment

  • On the Senturo dashboard, navigate to the Device Enrollment page.image-png-Jul-22-2024-12-41-51-4579-PM
  • Click on "iOS".

3. Select Multi-Device Enrollment

  • In the iOS device enrollment section, choose the "Multi-Device" enrollment option.

4. Download the PLIST File

  • Click on the "View Account Key" button to automatically download a PLIST file to your computer.
    • This PLIST file contains the configuration information needed for the MDM solution to enroll iOS devices.

5. Enroll Devices Using Your MDM Solution

  • Follow the specific steps your MDM solution provides to enroll devices using the PLIST file. 
  • Upload the PLIST file to your MDM solution. The devices will then be automatically enrolled in your Senturo account.

6. Verify Enrollment

  • Ensure that the enrollment process is completed successfully without any errors.

7. Allow Time for Enrollment

  • Depending on your configurations and MDM solution, the devices may take some time to enroll in Senturo fully. Monitor the process and ensure all devices are accounted for.


Enrolling iOS fleets in Senturo using the Multi-Device enrollment and a PLIST file simplifies the management process. 


Q: What should I do if the PLIST file fails to upload to the MDM solution? A: Ensure the PLIST file is correctly formatted and that you have copied the account key and token accurately. Refer to your MDM solution's documentation for specific troubleshooting steps.

Q: How can I verify that all devices have been enrolled successfully? A: Check the device list in the Senturo dashboard and confirm that each device shows the correct status.