How to Enroll Android Fleets

Enroll Multiple Android Devices Using MDM Solutions

Follow these steps to enroll multiple Android devices in Senturo using the Multi-Device enrollment mode and your MDM solution.

Steps to Enroll Android Fleets

1. Navigate to the Senturo Dashboard

  • Navigate to the Senturo dashboard and Enter your credentials.

2. Access Android Device Enrollment

  • On the Device Enrollment page, click on "Android".image-png-Jul-22-2024-05-10-11-9792-PM

  • Choose Multi-Device Enrollment:

    • Once in the Android device enrollment section, choose the "Multi-Device" enrollment mode.

3. Download the PLIST File

  • View Account Key:

    • Click on the "View Account Key" button to automatically download a PLIST file to your computer.
    • This PLIST file contains the configuration information needed for the MDM solution to enroll Android devices.
  • Extract Account Key and Token:

    • Open the downloaded PLIST file using a text editor.
    • Copy and paste your Account key and token.

4. Enroll Devices Using MDM Solution

  • Follow the specific steps your MDM solution provides to enroll devices using the PLIST file.

  • Upload the PLIST file to your MDM solution and create the necessary configuration policy.

5. Verify Enrollment

  • Go to the Devices page.

  • Review the device list and check the recently enrolled devices.


Note: Depending on your configurations and MDM solution, it may take some time for the devices to enroll in Senturo fully.


Enrolling Android fleets in Senturo using the Multi-Device enrollment and your MDM solution streamlines the management process. 


Q: What should I do if the PLIST file fails to upload to the MDM solution? A: Ensure the PLIST file is correctly formatted and that you have copied the Account key and token accurately. Refer to your MDM solution's documentation for specific troubleshooting steps.

Q: How can I verify that all devices have been enrolled successfully? A: Check the device list in the Senturo dashboard and look for the recently enrolled devices. Confirm that each device shows the correct status and details.

Q: Are there any specific settings or policies I should configure in the MDM solution for Android devices? A: Refer to your MDM solution's best practices and guidelines for configuring settings and policies that align with your organization's security requirements and operational needs.