How to Enroll a macOS Device

Learn how to enroll a macOS device in Senturo


This guide provides step-by-step instructions for enrolling a macOS device into Senturo.

Steps to Enroll a macOS Device

1. Navigate to the Senturo Dashboard

  • Log in to your Senturo dashboard.
  • On the navigation menu, select "Device Enrollment."

2. Select macOS

  • On the Device Enrollment page, click on "macOS".
  • Choose "Single Device" enrollment for individual device setup (you can enroll multiple devices at once by selecting "Multi Device" and following the steps).

3. Enter Device Details

Complete the form.
  • Required Details:
    • Device Name
    • Serial Number

4. Enroll the Device

  • After entering the device details, click the "Enroll Device" button to complete enrollment.

5. Install Senturo on the Device

  • Download Senturo by clicking the download button.
  • Install Senturo on the enrolled macOS device following the on-screen instructions.

6. Verify Enrollment

  • Click the "View Devices" button to view a list of all enrolled devices.
  • Confirm that the newly enrolled macOS device appears in the list.


Enrolling a macOS device in Senturo is a quick and simple process that involves entering device details and installing the Senturo software.


Q: What should I do if the device is not on the enrolled devices list? A: Ensure the device details were entered correctly and the Senturo software was installed properly. If necessary, try re-enrolling the device.

Q: Can I enroll multiple macOS devices at once? A: You can enroll multiple devices by selecting the Multi Device enrollment option on the Device Enrollment page.

Q: How do I assign a device to a different group after enrollment? A: Navigate to the device details in the Senturo dashboard and update the group assignment as needed, or you can do it for multiple devices by utilizing the Mass Actions toolbar.